My Mind

This blog exists to chronicle the myriad ideas I have, that I will sadly never have the resources to complete. Enjoy, and do well with them. Also anyone wishing to support me in my endeavours is encouraged to visit this page to see Some Images I've produced.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Steel Cable as Bowstring

This idea is not entirely new, but the method of making it is important for longevity and comfort. You need 5 things: Steel aircraft cable, whatever size is most appropriate for your bow, cable sleeves for that size, common thread, liquid electrical tape, and bowstring wax. Regular beeswax will suffice if it's all you have. You measure out the cable, accounting for length loss due to the loops. Coat both ends in a light coating of liquid electrical tape, and let set. Once set, slip on the sleeves and press it tight. Coat the loops in liquid electrical tape and let set. Then you find the middle of the bowstring, give it a 3 inch section coating of liquid electrical tape, let it sit for about 2 minutes, then wrap it in two tight layers of thread. Tie it tight, and coat that in liquid electrical tape. Let it set overnight, then take the wax, and work it in with your fingers, make sure it gets right in every nook and crannie, this will make sure the weight from the draw is evenly distributed, and keep the individual steel fibers from rubbing against each other and wearing the whole thing down. Attached are photos of the ends, and the middle of one of mine.

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